Who Is Sue

Who is Sue is an infographic exploration that timelines the history of the largest T-Rex fossil ever found. This project was my first endeavor as part of the 2017 intern team at graphic design agency, Lemonly. As the only graphic design intern, I was completely in charge of all visuals in this infographic. I collaborated with the copywriting intern, who wrote all copy for this piece, and the project managment intern, who oversaw the project. This infographic entailed in depth historical and visual research. With Who is Sue being my first infographic, this project required investigation into data visualization and visual storytelling to fully communicate the history of this South Dakota dinosaur. Our team sought to create a compelling timeline appropriate for both children and adults, with an vibrant and educational tone. Working in a team on this project was incredibly valuable process, leaving me feeling much more capable of collaborative work.

View the project here and check out the rest of Lemonly’s work!

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